Hello there! If you’re reading this, there’s an excellent chance you’re my wife. If you’re not my wife, you probably know Allison on a very personal level. In that case, hello to all my family members. If you’re reading this and you’re already lost because you don’t know who Allison is, then I’m just as confused as to why you’re reading this stranger’s blog as you are.
I’ve never written a blog before. The closest I’ve come is a semi-secret, oft ignored series of writings that I stored deep in the cloud somewhere, floating around the ether for no one in particular. It used to be a way to get my thoughts out in a way to cope with the daily comings and goings. And it honestly felt really good to just sit down and type. When I entered school at UT, I was a journalism major with aspirations to talk and write about sports for a living. But the passion never materialized and I moved on to different things. Not necessarily bigger and better things, just different. The bigger and better things would come years down the line with other career changes. I’ve always fancied myself a writer. A good writer? No. Not hardly. Good writers are eloquent in their speech. They use fancy 10 dollar words seamlessly and have a natural, almost effortless ebb and flow when telling a story. I just shamefully spent about 15 seconds trying to remember the word effortless. So that’s different. But dating back to my senior year in high school when I found “my voice” with a pen and paper, I’ve always felt a sense of calm and soothing when I write. Truthfully (in my honest and completely irrelevant opinion) it doesn’t matter how well you write. If you find enjoyment and fulfillment in your own words, then you’re a writer of sorts. Just maybe not one that anyone cares to follow.
So what will you get from reading this blog? Who knows! I didn’t even know what I’d be writing when I sat down to write this first entry. Maybe I’ll talk about work (I’m a physical therapist by trade). Maybe I’ll talk about my wife (it is Allison btw, I trust your deductive reasoning figured as much). Or maybe our adorable, sometimes chaotic, sometimes poopy, always interesting (almost) 8mo daughter Reese. I’m hoping that this blog will inspire me to try new things, to be held accountable to those new endeavors, and to have a healthy outlet to internally discuss whatever issues may be present in my life. Ultimately though, I hope it at least makes you laugh a little while giving some insight to the inner workings of my life. And specifically to Allison, thank you for being the primary source of all the bigger and better things in my life, both in the present and in all the future days to come.